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Adina - 6579 - Sponsor Now

Adina - 6579

Place Moldova

Age 10

Birthday 10/13/2014

Gender Female

Sponsorship ID 6579

Adina lives with her brother, Timotei, sister, Emanuela, and her parents. Their father is a minister at the local church, but does not have a stable income. Their mother stays at home with the children. Adina needs supervision because she has asthma and sometimes has seizures or goes to get treatment every few months. She uses a spray daily that helps her breath. Adina likes the color pink and playing with cats. She wants to become a ballerina when she grows up.  All five members of her family live in an old house that is over 100 years old. The house has one room, but it is in the process of renovation to add another room. They live modestly.

Birthday: October 13, 2014

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