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Alexandru Huzun - Sponsor Now

Alexandru Huzun

Place Moldova

Age 9

Birthday 10/09/2014

Gender Male

First Name Alexandru

Alexandru is one of seven children, but lives with his parents and three of his siblings. His family has a hard time providing for everyone in the household and doesnt receive any financial assistance. His father, Anatol (37) is currently unemployed and his mother, Ludmila (35), also stays home. His three siblings that share their home are Nadejda (12), Svetlana (9) and Anatoly (6). Alexandru attends a kindergarten where he likes to play all day. Alexandru likes to eat potatoes, but he loves sweets even more. He is very joyful and full of energy and his parents say he is an obedient child.

Birthday: 10/09/2014



Photo added to legacy JMI system on 2019-09-30




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