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Alina Siminiuc - Sponsor Now

Alina Siminiuc

Place Moldova

Project Riscani Village

Age 12

Birthday 04/26/2012

Brothers Alina has 7 sublings: Diana, Olea, Igori, Victoria, Anghelina, Lilea, Mia.

Gender Female

First Name Alina

Last Name Siminiuc

Alinas mother does not work and father does not work and he abandoned the family. Alina has 7 siblings: Diana (18), Olea (17), Igor (14), Vica (12), Igori (11), Anghelina (9), Mia (4). Alina is in the 1st grade and her favorite subject is music. When she grow up she wants to be an artist and musician. In her free time, she enjoys playing the piano and singing. Her favorite color is violet and her favorite animal is a horse. Her dream is to go to seaside one day. She prays that God will be with her family. Alina goes to the daycare center for kids in Riscani Baptist church every day where she eats lunch and does her lessons.





Photo added to legacy JMI system on 2019-10-24