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Alina - 7144 - Sponsor Now

Alina - 7144

Place Moldova

Age 15

Birthday 09/21/2009

Gender Female

Sponsorship ID 7144

Alina has cortical deafness, peripheral pain, and is blind. Her mother, Nina, takes care of her and works at a nearby center for children with special needs. Alina's father left the family when she was three years old. Alina's favorite hobby is to listen to music. Her favorite day is Sunday because she takes a bath. She likes to stay in the water. Her least favorite days are when she is sick. Alina cannot say what her favorite color or animal is. Nina's mother is now married to Gheorghe, Alina's stepfather. Alina has a younger brother named Denis. Their biggest need is for several packages of diapers each month. 

Birthday: September 21, 2009