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Anastasia Vlas - Sponsor Now

Anastasia Vlas

Place Moldova

Age 13

Birthday 09/13/2010

Brothers Mihai is 14, Andrian Vlas is at school too

Gender Female

First Name Anastasia

Anastasia has 2 brothers- Mihai, who is 14 and Andrian, who is also in school. Her mother works in the fields and is an alcoholic. Her father abandoned the family. Anastasia likes the color pink and horses. When she finishes school, she wants to be a teacher. At school, she likes to learn about every subject. The family's situation is difficult. They live with their grandmother and rent a house. Anastasia spends her days in Carpineni shelter, where she eats and does her lesson, but she sleeps at home.

Birthday: 09/13/2010





Photo added to legacy JMI system on 2019-10-28