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Corina Zaharia - Sponsor Now

Corina Zaharia

Place Moldova

Project Albota de Jos Village

Age 10

Birthday 07/23/2013

Brothers Serghei (7 years old)

Gender Female

First Name Corina

Last Name Zaharia

Corina’s favorite color is blue. Her favorite subject in school is math and she likes lions. Corina likes to play hide-and-seek. She loves when it snows outside, but is sad when it rains. When she grows up, she wants to be a teacher. She likes sandwiches with cheese and salami. Corina lives with her parents and younger brother, Serghei. Both of her parents are disabled. There is no water or gas in their house; they only have electricity. The family brings water from the well and heats the house with wood. 

Birthday: 07/23/2013