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Dmitrii Palaiciuc - Sponsor Now

Dmitrii Palaiciuc

Place Moldova

Age 9

Birthday 11/05/2014

Gender Male

His parents are Nadejda and Serghei. Nadejda  does not work because she takes care of her child, Denis, who has a disability. His father works in the fields or helping people in the village doing any kind of work. The family is poor but the parents are good and take care of their children. They live in two rooms with five people with no utilities in the house. Dmitrii goes to kindergarten. He likes to eat and to play with toys. He likes the color brown. His favorite animal is a cow because it makes milk. In his free time, he likes to draw. His dream is to have a lot of toy-cars. He wants to be a pilot. His favorite food is soup.

Birthday: 11/05/2014