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Emanuel Predchenko - Sponsor Now

Emanuel Predchenko

Place Moldova

Age 4

Birthday 11/13/2019

Sisters Marina and Maria

Brothers Jenya and Mihai

Gender Male

First Name Emanuel

Emanuel lives in Arionesti village. His mother's name is Lyudmila Zabulika. Emanuel was born to the second husband of Lyudmila. Lyudmila's first husband died. He has 2 sisters and 2 brothers. Their names are Jenya, Mihai, Marina, and Maria. His family lives in a very old and small house with poor living conditions. There is no kitchen, bathroom, or running water. There are only 2 rooms in this house, which are used as living room, bathroom and bedroom. They sleep on old, iron beds, and there is practically no furniture. They face great financial difficulties.Emanuel likes the color blue. He loves dogs because he says they are funny, and you can play with them. He likes to watch cartoons. The happiest day for him is when there is a place to watch cartoons, and the saddest day is when there is nowhere to watch cartoons. He dreams of having a big toy motorcycle, and when he grows up, he wants to become a policeman. His favorite food is sausage, which he only eats on holidays.

Birthday: 11/13/2019