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Eugenia Cojocaru - Sponsor Now

Eugenia Cojocaru

Place Moldova

Age 9

Birthday 01/12/2015

Gender Female

First Name Eugenia

Eugenia Cojocaru was born in January 12, 2015. Her parents are divorced. She lives with her mother, Maria Rosca, who is 24 years old. Her father, Mihail Cojocaru, does not help his child at all. Eugenia has a brother, Ion Rosca, who was born on April 28, 2016. Eugenia also has a sister, Victoria Rosca, who was born on July 21, 2018. Eugenia likes cats and the color red. She likes to draw and to play with dolls. This family lives in a very old house without water or any other utilities. The only income they have is a small payment from state for Victoria.

Birthday: 01/12/2015