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Evelina Ciurciuc - Sponsor Now

Evelina Ciurciuc

Place Moldova

Project Horjasti Village

Age 5

Birthday 04/24/2019

Gender Female

First Name Evelina

Last Name Ciurciuc

Evelina was born on April 24th, 2019, and she is 5 months old. Her mother, Ciurciuc Alina doesn't work because she is staying home with kids. Her father, Ciurciuc Vasile is working as a mechanic in another village. She has 3 more brothers, Liviu, who is 11 years old, Vlad who is 4 years old, and Marius who is about 7 years old. All of them are living in their grandparents old house. They do not have any running water, no toilet- it's outside and the house is with 2 rooms. Only father is working but its not enough for whole family.

Birthday: 04/24/2019