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Gheorghe Tomasciuc - 4 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Gheorghe Tomasciuc

Place Moldova

Age 17

Birthday 12/07/2006

First Name Gheorghe

Gender Male

Gheorghe Tomasciuc was born on December 7, 2006. He is from Horjesti village in the Hincesti district. Until the age of 10, he grew up and lived in the orphanage in the village of Carpineni. Since 2016, he and his siblings were adopted by a family from the village of Horjesti. The family has 7 children, 3 children are biological and 4 are adopted. Gheorghe's favorite food is beans with meat, his favorite color is blue. Gheorghe dreams of becoming an auto mechanic. He is a bit shy but hard working, and has an open heart to help. He attends a church in Horjesti village.