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Ion - 7091 - Sponsor Now

Ion - 7091

Place Moldova

Age 8

Birthday 09/11/2016

Gender Male

Sponsorship ID 7091

Ion's favorite animals are cats and dogs. His favorite hobby is playing with play-dough. He has a mental disability, and is in a special needs program at school. Ion's happiest days are when he eats sweets. His saddest days are when nobody talks to him. Ion's mother is divorced and is Ion's caretaker. She lives on the money she received from government benefits. When Ion grows up, he wants to be a driver. His biggest wish is that his father would love him. Ion loves fruit very much. At home, he lives with his mother in a home with two-rooms, no fridge, and without running water. They get their water from the well.  

Birthday: September 11, 2016