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Maria Dolgan - Sponsor Now

Maria Dolgan

Place Moldova

Project Glinjeni Village

Age 9

Birthday 03/03/2015

Sisters Andrea Lupescu, Elena Dolgan, and Lidia Dolgan

Brothers Vlad Lupescu

Gender Female

Maria Dolgan lives in the village of Glinjeni. She was born on March 3, 2015. She is in the second grade. Nobody knows who her real father is, and her mother is an alcoholic. Her parents have no rights to the children. Maria is the adopted daughter of the Lupescu family. Vladimir and Viorica Lupescu are married. Viorica is a teacher. Vladimir is a professional assistant to the parents. Both had a hernia cut out of their backs. There are 5 children in the family. Vlad Lupescu is 12 years old, he is in the fifth grade. He had a birth injury. He has memory loss, is afraid of the dark, and often cries. Andrea Lupescu is 8 years old and is in the second grade. Elena Dolgan is 17 years old, she is in the 11th grade. Lida Dolgan is two and a half years old and has a developmental delay.

Maria's favorite color is yellow, and her favorite subject at school is Romanian. The cat is her favorite animal. She loves to play different games. Her birthday is her happiest day. The saddest day was when she was taken away from her mother. She dreams of a telephone. In the future, she would like to become a chef. She has health problems, including mental disabilities. She was in a psychiatric hospital. Her favorite dish is hominy with meat. The house has warm water. There are 3 rooms in which 7 people live.

Birthday: 03/03/2015