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Matrovika Molovata - Sponsor Now

Matrovika Molovata

Place Moldova

Project Mirzesti Village

Age 1

Birthday 01/28/2023

Sisters Alexandru Molovata 5 years old in Kindergarten, Vladimir Balan - 18 years old, army

Brothers Fidelia Balan - 20 years old

Gender Female

First Name Matrovika (Matrona for short)

Last Name Molovata

 Matrovika (Matrona for short) Molovata was born on January 28, 2023. Her mom, Jamila Balan, is on maternity leave, and her father Gheorghe Molovata works abroad. She has three siblings. Alexandru Molovata is 5 years old and in Kindergarten. Vladimir Balan is 18 years old and currently in the army. Fidelia Balan is 20 years old.

Matrovika's favorite color is pink. Her favorite animal is dogs. She always gets excited when she sees a dog! Her favorite food is yogurt. Her family is very poor. They live with 4 people in 3 rooms and no running water.

Birthday: 01/28/2023