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Mihaela Postolachi - Sponsor Now

Mihaela Postolachi

Place Moldova

Project Hincesti Village

Age 16

Birthday 04/19/2008

Gender Female

First Name Mihaela

Last Name Postolachi

Mihaela was born on April 19, 2008. She lives at the "Brandusa" shelter. Her parents don't live together. Her father left her and her mother lost her parental rights because she used to drink alcohol. Mihaela doesn't have any siblings.

Mihaela's favorite color is black, and her favorite animal is a dog. She is in 8th grade and wants to do well in her final exams. Her favorite subject is Russian. She was very happy when she got her first phone and very sad when her mother lost her parental rights. She likes to draw, and her favorite food is buckwheat.

Birthday: 04/19/2008