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Nicolas Ferreira da Silva - Sponsor Now

Nicolas Ferreira da Silva

Place Brazil

Project Urucurituba Village - New Testament Church

Age 8

Birthday 01/14/2016

Gender Male

First Name Nicolas

Last Name Ferreira da Silva

Nicolas lives in Urucurituba village and attends New Testament Church. He is a very shy and introverted child. He has a lot of difficulty learning, reads very little, and struggles to concentrate on activities. On Saturday afternoons, he interacts very little with the other children. He likes to play soccer. His favorite color is blue. He lives with his mother and stepfather. His mother was abused and got pregnant with Nicolas. She doesn't show much affection for him. He is afraid to talk to us when his mother and stepfather are around. I notice that when he's alone with us, he's more at ease.

Birthday: 01/14/2016