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Rafael dos Santos Monteiro - Sponsor Now

Rafael dos Santos Monteiro

Place Brazil

Project Urucurituba Village - New Testament Church

Age 6

Birthday 10/01/2017

Gender Male

First Name Rafael dos Santos Monteiro

Last Name dos Santos Monteiro

Rafael lives in Urucurituba village and attends New Testament Church. He is shy and says very little. When we approach him for a hug, he often withdraws. From time to time he says a few words, like “bathroom” or “water”. When we ask something, the way he responds is just the Yes and No sign by shaking his head. Rafael likes to play with superheros and cars. He lives with his mother and two siblings. They survive on the “Bolsa Família” (government’s benefit). His mom worked by cleaning houses, but she fell ill and is no longer able to do a job like that. They are in need of everything. 

Birthday: 10/01/2017