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The Ceban Family - Sponsor Now

The Ceban Family

Place Moldova

The mother's name is Olesia, she is 35 years old, and she was born on December 25, 1987. The father's name
is Andrian, he is 38 years old. . He was born on March 24, 1984. This family has many children,
they have 4 children and the fifth will be born soon. Gabriel born February 21, 2016,
Laurentiu born on October 22, 2011, Marius Ceban born April 1, 2009, and Veniamin Ceban
born May 17, 2021. The father cultivates the land, and they live off of the crops. The family
lives in a house with the husband's mother. The house has 3 rooms. There is no kitchen, no running water,
no gas, and no bathroom. The family lives very modestly and hard, but for everything they thank God.