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Vitali Haidarli - Sponsor Now

Vitali Haidarli

Place Moldova

Project Sofievca Village

Age 8

Birthday 10/14/2015

Sisters Tatiana (13 years old) and Vladislava (11 years old)

Brothers Alexandru (5 years old)

Gender Male

First Name Vitali

Last Name Haidarli

His father is Vitalie Haidarli (47 years old), and his mother is Lidia Haidarli (40 years old). His parents work in the field. Their salary is up to 3,000 lei. The father has problems with his legs; he is disabled. They have 4 children: Tatiana, Vitalie, Vlada, and Alexandru. There are not good conditions in their house. There is no water, no gas, and the toilet is not in the house (the toilet is outside). Vitali's favorite color is orange. He likes to play football with his brother and friends. His favorite animal is the cat; he has three cats at home. When he grows up, he wants to be a tractor driver. In the autumn, he will go to school in the first grade. He dreams of receiving a toy car as a gift. His favorite food is dumplings with sour cream.