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Alina Zait - Sponsor Now

Alina Zait

Place Moldova

Project Risipeni VIllage

Age 12

Birthday 05/28/2011

Gender Female

First Name Alina

Last Name Zaet

Alina is 4 years old. She has two brothers, Gabi (6) and Marin (8). She lives with her mother Natalya who is a housewife, and her father Slavic who is an engineer. He is gone for months at a time. The best day of her life was her birthday, the worst are when it storms. Her favorite thing about living in Risipeni are her friends. She worries storms will take the roof of her house, and worries for her mother. She wants people to know that she is helpful, kind, and likes to dance.

Birthday: 05/28/2011





Photo added to legacy JMI system on 2019-10-22