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Ana Tatarul - Sponsor Now

Ana Tatarul

Place Moldova

Project Navirnet Village

Age 16

Birthday 03/08/2008

Sisters Ungureanu Xenia (31)

Brothers Tataru Alexandru (30)

Gender Female

First Name Ana

Last Name Tatarul

Ana's mother passed away and her father lives with another family. She lives with her aunt (Valentina) on her fathers side, who is a stay at home mom to Ana. They dont have running water and heats the house by wood stove. She is in the 3rd grade and her favorite subjects are Romanian and Math. Her hobbies are coloring and she likes to do crafts. Her favorite animal is a dog and her favorite color is pink. When she grows up, she wants to become a manicurist and her ultimate dream is to study at the school of dance. Her favorite day of the year is her birthday, because her mother had the same birthday as her. Her biggest wish is the be reunited with her siblings: Alexandru (30) and Xenia (31)

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Photo added to legacy JMI system on 2019-10-20