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Bogdan Munteanu - Sponsor Now

Bogdan Munteanu

Place Moldova

Project Horjasti Village

Age 14

Birthday 11/02/2009

Gender Male

First Name Bogdan

Last Name Munteanu

Bogdan was born on November 2. He has three brothers (Mihai, Iurii and Teofil) and a sister Gabriela. His mother Munteanu Liliana works abroad and his father Munteanu Iurii takes care of them. Bogdan misses his mother very much. He likes reading at school and when he grows up he wants to be a driver. His favorite animal is an elephant and his favorite color is black. His favorite activities are playing games and riding his bicycle.

Birthday: 11/02/2009

Letter from Bogdan

Published Fri, Aug 14, 20. Written by Aliona Schimbatari.

August 14th 2020

Hello my dear sponsor, how are you doing? How's your health?  How's the weather there? I am thankful to God that I am healthy and can write you. Our summer holiday is almost over and from September we were supposed  to school, but we do not know yet how it will be. Thank you for my school supplies, I am looking forward to use them. I have spent my holidays with family and friends, how about you? Sadly have not made any new friends this summer. Also helping around house. How's the weather there? In Moldova is pretty hot now. We miss the rain. 

Dearly, Bogdan