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Filip Vinnichenko - Sponsor Now

Filip Vinnichenko

Place Moldova

Age 10

Birthday 09/04/2013

Gender Male

Filip Vinnichenko lives in Arionesti village. His mother's name is Oksana Vinnichenko she is 32 years old and was born on August 18, 1990. He has a sister, Vasilisa Vinnichenko, she is 5 years old, sister Lealea Vinnichenko, 8 years old, and sister Juliana Vinnichenko, 6 years old. The father abandoned his children. Filip is cheerful, kind, caring, and smart. He likes the color blue, he likes to go to school. The saddest day for him was when he lost his favorite book.
The happiest when he went on a trip with his class. Filip dreams of becoming a firefighter and saving
people. He has a dog and he takes care of it. His favorite food is mashed potatoes.

Birthday: 09/04/2013