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Ion Crudu - Sponsor Now

Ion Crudu

Biggest Need

Place Moldova

Age 13

Birthday 06/11/2010

Brothers Petru Crudu

Gender Male

First Name Ion

Grade K

Ion was born on June 11th, 2010. His favorite color is blue and his favorite subject at school is biology. His favorite animal is a horse. He has lived with the Pîrău family for 8 years. Ion has 2 biological brothers. His older brother is 16 and the youngest is 5. He has 7 step brothers and sisters (2 girls and 5 boys). He doesn’t know his real mother, because he was abandoned at birth. Ion saw his father once at 5-years-old, but cannot remember him. When Ion grows up, he wants to become a cook. Ion loves sweets. His dream is to go to the sea. Ion does not like to be alone.

Birthday: 06/11/2010