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Ion Ungureanu - Sponsor Now

Ion Ungureanu

Place Moldova

Age 11

Birthday 02/25/2013

Brothers Dumitru Ungureanu

Gender Male

First Name Ion

Ion was born on February 25th in 2013. His father died, and his mother left him and does not even visit him. He lives with his grandparents, who are retired. He has a brother, Dumitru Ungureanuwho studies in the 7th grade.Ion studies in the 3rd grade and his favorite school subjects are physical education and art. His favorite color is blue and he likes to play football with his friends. His favorite animal is the elephant and he wishes to see an elephant one day. The happiest day in his life was when he went to the zoo, and the saddest day was when he didn't get any presents on his birthday. He wishes to have a cell phone and an ATV. His favorite food is soup. Ion lives in a house with 4 rooms. They have no water in the house, but they have a tap outside. They heat the house with wood and cook on a gas stove.