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Nichita Rabadji - Sponsor Now

Nichita Rabadji

Place Moldova

Project Sofievca Village

Age 8

Birthday 06/19/2015

Sisters Alisa Rabadji – 1.5 years old

Brothers Vasili Rabadji - 5 years old

Gender Male

Nichita's parents are Vasilii Rabadji, his father (35 years old) who is working as a tractor driver in the village, and Cristina Rabadji, his mother (29 years old), who does not work. He has a brother Vasili Rabadji - 5 years old, and a sister, Alisa Rabadji – 1.5 years old. Nichita's favorite color is blue. His favorite subject at school is physical education. He also loves to draw. His favorite animals are squirrels and cats. Nichita loves his little sister very much and he likes to spend his free time with her. When he grows up, he wants to be a football player. He dreams of earning 5,000 lei and buying himself a phone. Nichita really likes to eat watermelon and strawberries. He has difficulties with speech. There is no water at all in their house, and there is no toilet in the house. Five people live in the house, and there are 2 bedrooms.

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