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Victoria Siminiuc - 4 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Victoria Siminiuc

Place Moldova

Project Grace House Balti

Age 17

Birthday 02/04/2007

Brothers Victoria has 7 siblings: Diana, Olga, Igori, Alina, Anghelina, Lilea, Mia.

First Name Victoria

Gender Female

Last Name Siminiuc

Victorias mother does not work and her father abandoned his family. Victoria has 7 siblings. Victoria has 7 sublings: Diana, Olga, Igori, Alina, Anghelina, Lilea, Mia. Victoria is in the 5th grade and likes sport education. Victorias favorite animal is a dog and she loves the color blue. She wants to have happy family. Victoria goes to the daycare center for kids in Riscani Baptist church every day where she eats lunch and does her lessons.




Photo added to legacy JMI system on 2019-10-24