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Ilia Bejenari - Sponsor Now

Ilia Bejenari

Place Moldova

Project Riscani Village

Age 14

Birthday 08/12/2009

Sisters 3 sisters

Brothers 7 brothers

Gender Male

First Name Ilia

Last Name Bejenari

His mother Nina Bejenari does not work and father Valerii Bejenari is in Moscow. Ilia has 3 sisters and 7 brother. His favorite subject is math. When he grows up he wants to be a builder. His favorite color is black and he likes dogs. His favorite activity is basketball and his is dream is to be healthy always. Ilia and his brothers go to the daycare center for kids in Riscani Baptist church every day where he eats lunch and does his lessons.




Photo added to legacy JMI system on 2019-10-24